The magical elves that put the posts together came up with this

Pre-Spring Nature Hike

Well once home from work I rushed about getting the Peanut pack and loading it up with water, juice, people food and dog food. Then Heath got home and Peanut rode his new bike for a bit and I got Berry’s kennel and Peanut’s back in the car while Heath got ready and then we were off to the woods.

Peanut and I were starving before the car was even parked
but we wanted to have our pick nick in a fun spot and so we got to hiking. I carried Peanut and the food and Heath held Berry. We walked for 15-20 minutes until we got to the river and decided to set up dinner. I unpacked and put together lunch while the rest of the gang through rocks and tried to coax Berry to drink from the river or get in for a swim.

I made ham and pepperoni sandwiches with pepper jack cheese, and sliced up some apples and we had cheese sticks, granola bars, bananas, fruit snacks, peanuts and wheat thins.

I had brought a bag of dog food and poured it out for Berry. We all sat down beside the water and ate a bunch.

All that was left was the bag of peanuts with a few apple slices and pieces of granola in it that Peanut nibbled on the rest of the hike.

We played beside the water for a while then packed up and got to hiking.

We followed a different trail back to our trail head and had to do a bit of off trail navigating to get back where we started. It was still light out so we kept going in the other direction and hiked a long ways down that trail.

Eventually we came to another spot down by the river and took a break to throw rocks and sticks and play. We found a frog and Peanut claimed the frog was his "Best Buddy" and he would never let it go. He put up quite an argument but eventually the frog was set free to find his mommy and daddy that missed him very much. Berry was a very good boy and stayed close to us most of the time and would run to us if he got to far and we called.

Then he surprised us all and wondered into the water, he went in a little way, then farther, then he found a drop off and he was swimming.

He got into a strong current and just swam against it for a while then we called him to the shore and he headed sideways from the current and got out and on the shore with no problem. We were excited and petted him until he did the classic dog shake and sent out a huge spray of water and I think the whole woods were overcome with "The Wet Dog Smell".

Peanut was a bit wet and starting to get cold so we wrapped him in my sweatshirt and hiked back to the car. We drove home and got Berry outside to dry and spread his stink somewhere else and got Peanut in pajamas and his teeth brushed. We read 2 fairly long books then went to the family room to do a 30 min Navy upper leg workout and a 30 min Carmen Electra fit to strip video. Berry was worn out and laid on the deck just outside the window and watched us till he fell asleep. (or maybe he just had too much pride to watch his owner getting fit to strip)

We got done around 9 and Heath had work stuff to do so Stooks and I headed to Ugly Joe’s for the $0.50 draws and had a quick 2. Stooks had some big pretzels and cheese too and then we headed home. I took a shower and went to bed, Heath continued to work.

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