From Nips to Sips

Peanut had an eye appointment yesterday afternoon so everyone was home before I got there. His eyes were dilated so the curtains were drawn and the lights were off and he was watching Star Wars on the couch. Heath Pumpkin and I got busy on dinner. Mostly I cut stuff and Heath stuck the stuff on sticks.

I’m disappointed in myself because Heath did a great job and they looked beautiful when I laid them out all over the grill and I forgot to take a picture to share that beauty with you. Luckily I have 913 pictures in my food projects gallery and I found one that was pretty close.

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just pretend there is no corn and more steak.

We also cooked up a bunch of rice and broccoli. Around 6 my mom and Mike came over and we suddenly got really busy. The food was almost ready the people were ready to eat and we were supposed to call my sister Carri Mary Magdalene. Once we had Carri on the phone we found out she would probably be able to Skype talk to us but didn’t have a camera.

So Heath and Mike got dinner stuff set up and I got Skype going with Carri.

Everyone was pretty excited and she thought it was great to get to see all us.  We mostly held Pumpkin in front of the camera while we talked and we are all eager to try it out when she gets a web cam in a few days.

After talking for a while and figuring out a few technical difficulties Carri had to go have a birthday root beer float and we got back to dinner. Everything had cooled down quite a bit but was still pretty good and we ate most of it.

After dinner we watched a few of my youtube videos then Peanut brought out Candy land and there was an epic battle.

I’m not sure who won but after the game Peanut got ready for bed and Mom and Mike left and I changed Pumpkin. Heath and Peanut read some stories while Pumpkin and I cleaned up then Heath fed Pumpkin and we watched some … Cops of course.

We had a bit of ice cream and bananas while watching then went to bed a little early.

We didn’t get a chance to feed Pumpkin real food but did give her, her first cup with water in it. She seemed to really like laying on her back and tipping it into her mouth or just chewing on whatever side of the cup was closest to her mouth.


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