Bathroom Cabinets and more

Old picture and not related to anything but looked fun

Heath had to work late so I picked up Pumpkin from across the street after work. She had eaten and slept good and was really playful so all we did was play. She crawled around and walked holding on to stuff around and did some clapping and dancing and laughing.

I built little towers out of books and blocks and toys and she would tear them down. Eventually we both started to get hungry so I stuck her in the backpack and started making food.

After all the burgers the day before I figured I better have some healthier food. I broiled fish with zucchini, green beans, mushroom, green pepper, potatoes and black beans. I also made a little packet of pasta. Heath got home while I was making dinner and got some food for the baby ready and  then we ate. We got some wraps and wrapped up all the fish veggies beans and pasta together. It was not as good as a burger but it was not bad. Pumpkin had whole black beans and little chunks of apples. While eating we watched Cougar town and Amanda came over with a sleeping Alli.

Alli from the night before with a strange Asian guy

I finished up dinner and headed to Jon and Amanda’s house to help Jon and the girls watched one of the sparkly vampire movies that didn’t star Kiefer Sutherland.

Jon’s project for the night was this wall IMG_0993
It’s in the bathroom, the washer and dryer will go on the floor and a small cabinet between them and a large cabinet above them. Last night we installed the large cabinet that Jon had built and painted.  IMG_0994

First we put screws into the cabinet to hold the shelves in place better and tighten up some stuff. Then we marked studs in the bathroom and installed a flat removable board in the bathroom that the shelf could sit on so we could make sure it was level and not have to hold up the whole thing while attaching it.  Then we brought it in. This cabinet is over 7 feet long and 3 feet high and is heavy. We did fine getting it out of the bedroom and into the bathroom but we really struggled lifting it into a very tight place. We had to move up and back at exactly the same time or the cabinets would get pinched between the walls. After a few scratches and maneuvers we got it where it belonged and sitting on the board. It was a perfect fit. I held it in place and Jon put screws in it. We really struggled to find studs even though they were marked below and Jon will need to do a little filling in of extra holes. Once we had plenty of screws in it we removed the board along the bottom.


They are really nicely built shelves and will take advantage of some otherwise unusable space. Jon hung on them and they didn’t budge. We determined they would probably never need to hold a Jon and a Chris so we didn’t do any further load testing.

So we worked on trim around them.

 IMG_1000We measured and cut boards then fit them into place and did some more cutting then shot some nails in them. Jon took the extra effort to make sure they would fit right up against the walls with no gaps and it really looked good.

Once all the trim was up we talked about starting on cabinet doors or painting the trim or filling in the holes we had made but it was already 9:30 and hardly seemed worth getting started on something else. I helped Jon move some stuff to the curb for big trash pickup then headed home. Heath and Amanda were watching Community and hanging out. I just changed clothes got the leash and the dog and went for a run.

It was late and I was sleepy so we didn’t go far but we set a quick pace and got a decent run in. At first I was unsure about heading down along the creek so late in the dark but Berry loved it and I liked not having to worry about bothering anyone. When we got back I drank a bunch of water and cooled off for a while. Then I ate the last of the beans and pasta from dinner and a bowl of cereal. I took a shower and read while Heath was working on the computer. I didn’t read long before I started to fall asleep so I went to bed.


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