Grab some Chips It’s Salsa Time

Or a spoon if your like Pumpkin.

I got Pumpkin and met up with Heath. We fed Pumpkin, made some dinner plans and I worked on the drywall a bit.

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I’m trying to cut holes for electrical boxes and stuff so testing a rotozip drywall  bit in my drill. The test did not go as great as I had hoped but it still may work. Once Pumpkin was somewhat done we hopped in the van and went light shopping at Lowes. We have a lot of lights to replace and rewire and we probably won’t reuse many of the ones we have. I’m not sure we really accomplished much but got the ideas going on what we want to do where.

Then we scooted over to Walmart and got a few things like canning jars. Then we rushed home. Pumpkin had snacked on pretzles and raisens and fruit snacks the whole trip and was ready for a yogurt, banana and some noodles when we got home. I got her fed and started cooking dinner and Heath started cutting vegetables for dinner and salsa.

I got all the skinned and deseaded tomatoes in the blender and gave them a quick chop and then poured them into a big 6qt pan.

I also started chopping up onions, peppers, garlic and stuff and then we put Pumpkin to bed and ate our spaghetti dinner.

After dinner we stuck a thermometer in the tomatoes, turned on the stove and added all our stuff.

We brought the salsa up to 180F and then turned it down a bit and let it simmer for 30 minutes and we stired it periodically. We got another pan of water boiling and sanitized all 12 of our jars in it.

We tasted the salsa periodically and added stuff to make it taste good and after 30 minutes we got our first 4 jars and filled them.

We put on the lids then put the filled jars into the boiling water for 15+ minutes. While they were sealing we got the sirano peppers from the garden out and chopped them up.

We also chopped up some jalapenos and added the peppers, some more beans and some siracha sauce. Then we filled 4 more jars with our new medium salsa.

We put them in the pot to boil and added more siracha and jalapenos to the pot and let it simmer for 15 minutes. Then we filled the last 4 jars and turned off the stove. All the boiling and simmering had fogged up all the windows and made it steamy in the house. We cleaned up a bit but it was late so we left the jars on the counter and got ready for bed. As the jars slowly cool they seal up and you can hear the lids pop as they seal to the jar. Sometimes you don’t get a good seal and need to start over canning but in the morning our were all sealed and looked great.


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