Unexpectedly Cold Pick-nick at the Park

I followed a Craigslist lead on some wood on my way home from work but it was picked over and just rotten stuff left. I headed home and started packing the truck with bikes, baby trailers, and picknick items. We thought it may be cool for the girls in the trailers so we grabbed hats and gloves.

We got Leawood Park and set up dinner on a table and found it was a lot colder and windier there then at home. We shivered some and tried to keep our plates weighed down and managed to eat our dinner. Then we let the kids play some.

We tried to keep them warm but the wind was still freezing everyone.

So we headed home and it was immediately a lot more comfortable. Instead of running in to warm up we got out the bikes.

and spent some time climbing trees.

Then everyone came in for some icecream and books and getting ready for bed.

Once the kids were down Heath and I started cleaning and organizing the basement and working on a few other projects.

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