ANNOUNCEMENT: We baked up some tasty butterscotch and chocolate chip cookies
OK I am guessing that you all are confused and scared about this sudden change in my website. I am too but we have nothing to fear freiends. My old site is old and does not do everything that I wish I could do and I am looking at some other options. This new site here is not a for sure change or anything but I am going to try it out today and tomorow and I would like your help in giving it a good test. Please play arround create accounts or whatever and let me know what you think. To post comments you do not need to create an account just like the old site. Actually I think the new site will allow me and you to do just about everything we could on the old one. However If you do set up an account it will use your username for your comments and you will be granted total control of the site. So anyone with an account (anyone can get an account with no aproval from me or anyone) has the ability to do anything, you can add pictures or your own blog pages or other pages or set up a poll for the viewers. So I will still do my daily post but you all are welcome to add to it with your own accounts of what happend. Please help me try it out and give me some usefull feedback on what you think.
Now for my normal post:
So last night it was pouring down rain when I left work so I got home and sat on the couch and watched "The Shield from last night.
It was a good episode, really a good season in general. Does anyone know if this is the end of the show or just the season next week?
Near the end Heath showed up and was crazy about getting her new ring resized so she could wear it correctly. So we headed down to the plaza to get it resized. Apparently this takes a week to be done. I was surprised and expect a quick in house procedure but that was not the case.
Then we went to Harbor Freight because I needed to switch my tire on my truck arround and my jack was not working anymore. If you have never been to Harbor Freight I would really recomend giving it a shot for your cheep tools needs. They are really cheep, some just in price some in quality, many both.
But I was after a new floor jack and I feel like I did preaty well I found this guy:
I feel preaty good about the $40 purchase. This is 20-30 bucks less than the terrible Walmart jack I bought last time and I paid an extra $10 for a 3 year warrenty.
I also got some jack stands, another 4 way and some ratchet straps to use durring the move. I was near purchaseing a dolly
no not her a hand truck but could not find one I liked. I want one that looks heavy duty enough to haull some heavy stuff and not break but I really don’t think I want inflated tires. Inflated tires on a dolly seems like a bad idea because if one tire is lower on air then the other your heavy object will lean to one side.
So after some tool shopping Heath and I were starving and went home and fixed up some chicken noodles and peas. She watched the stove and I went outside and swapped the tires real quick.
I am still not certain my leaky tires problems are over but it’s easy to switch them out and refill now so I am not too worried. Dinner was really good and I can’t think of anything else exciting we did last night. Both Heath and I were tired from all the champagne last night and talking to everyone and stuff. Ohh yeah we made some cookies and they turned out preaty good and I made some adjustments to my bowfishing bow.

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