Well It is going to be really nice out tonight so at lunch today I need to go shopping and get some important things for this evening. I need to get:
Propane for the Grill
Marine Oil for the boat gas
Something to Eat
Something to Drink
I’d also like to get some new boxer briefs but they are not a necessity
Where can I go over my lunch break and get all this done at once?
The Banister Wal-Mart supercenter would have been perfect.
But they shut it down so I will ether have to leave out the beer and go to the Wal-Mart on roe or find a new one in MO.
So last night you may recall it rained a bit on and off all night and it thundered every now and then. Also the sky was very dark and the wind was blowing a bunch sometimes. Well this seemed like a perfect night to take the boat out and do some rod and reel fishing. Well not exactly perfect but Derrick and I decided to do it anyway and just hang out under an overpass and Jon thought this was a brilliant plan so he joined in.
We took Grandma to the Kaw and slowly cruised up the river about a quarter mile untill we came to the first bridge we picked out a spot and pulled her over. Then we started up a little camp fire and tossed in some lines. Jon and I just put in the lines with some juicy worms and bobbers on them and let them sit arround and wait but Derrick had some motivation and actually casted and stuff for quite a while. The water is still very high and fast and muddier then normal.
Our fishing trip was kind of just tossed together so we did not have cheeseburgers ready. Jon brought 2 Aldi brand breakfast burritos and 2 ears of corn and wrapped them in foil and set them on the grill. It all looked pretty good when cooked. I got out some foil and put down a slice of onion then got a 1/2 lbs of deer burger and mixed in a bunch of spices and some Itallian dressing. Then I topped it with another slice of onion and some chopped garlic. I wrapped two of these up in foil and tossed them on the grill. When cooked we put on some slices of cheese and put it on some wheat bread. They turned out tasty.
It was kinda dark when we got there but it started to get darker and we had full bellies no fish and no more beer so we packed up and headed back to the ramp and loaded the boat and put her away for the night. I think I am going to try to take her to Hillsdale tonight tomorrow and Thursday night. Then Friday I am going to an NPR show and Saturday heading to Manhattan to see Matt and steal his couch.
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