The Favorite Posts
Monthly Archives: August 2007
To Catch A Gholkar…..
Some of you got my email yesterday, but in case you didn’t and you know who Nick Gholkar is, I have some interesting news……..
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I’ll put her in a vice
Well I took 2 pictures yesterday afternoon but the room was too dark to really do them justice. Here is the best one after some adjustments for brightness. The stage is lower left once of the giant hanging projector screens … Continue reading
First Monday post that I have not had to try to keep short in a while.
Well I spent the weekend at home. I don’t think I ever got dirty. I barely left the house. We had several visitors though and I made some pizza in all sorts of crazy shapes.
I got an email from Southwest today. I haven’t talked to Bone yet, and I don’t know if I can go because I don’t know how my interview schedule is going to work for Lee’s Summit, but flights are like $45 to … Continue reading
The Carp Hole
Well hopefully you read yesterdays post and knew we were going fishing in some spot off 69 way south. Well we found a honey pot of sorts.
A post for today
Peanut and I went to watch a softball game last night Ohh yeah and Heath was playing in the game.
Hillsdale Pictures
Not sure what little teaser to put up before the post… What would you guys like to see? I am guessing this? Was I right? Remind anyone of a jewlery party?
Can’t pull out an engine every day.
Food heavy post, but a new creation was born called… Pig soup
Chris’ 13 pictures and more
AHHH a King Cobra snake!!! Don’t worry Picture 1 is not a real snake it is just a pizza shaped like a snake for the Survivorman premier party.