Well Matt called me on my way out of work and I met him at our house. We took out some frozen pie crust and then went downstairs to shoot some pool.
We played one game (poorly) and Heath and Peanut showed up mid game. We nearly finished the game before Peanut pulled up a stool and took over the table.
Then we went outside for a bit and just screwed around until Matt left for his brothers house. Then I got some potatoes, onions, green pepper, carrots and celery ready. We decided to take a small quick run and loaded Peanut in the stroller then nearly sprinted down to 99th and back.
When we got back home we got the pumpkins ready.
I got the knife and Peanut got the spoon and we went to work on the pumpkins.
Heath mixed all the veggies together with some cream of mushroom and cream of celery soup then put in all last nights rotisserie chicken leftovers. Then dumped them on a pie crust and put the other crust on top and tossed it in the oven.
Then she joined us to work on the pumpkins.
Peanut wanted a happy pumpkin, a scary pumpkin and a goofy pumpkin so that is what we tried to do.
Mine was scary, his was goofy and Heath’s was happy.
We put them outside on the hay bale with Sticks the scarecrow.
Then we came in to eat chicken pot pie. It was golden brown and steaming.
We all were hungry from the jackolantering and tore it up w/ some cottage cheese and apple sauce. Then we had homemade cookies from yesterday w/ some chocolate ice cream and Peanut got ready for bed. I read a book about counting bugs and H read one about some girl who lived with wild horses. Then we went downstairs for an hour of work on the laundry room.
Last night we began to stain the wood on the trim, and wood panel wall. We decided the blue/gray trim and closet dried well and so all that is left is possibly another coat of stain and then to stain the desk the same color and put the room back together.
After staining we eagerly watched the final episode of Damages…
…and enjoyed it.
Speaking of Halloween, whats going on? Saturday night any Halloween fun planned anywhere? Heath and I will have folks over if nothing else is going on, Possibly a pirate themed party?
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