Heath snapped this shot between 5 and 6 am this morning.
It perfectly shows how we all felt.
Tired and not sure why our eyes were open. However I feel pretty good at the moment. I crashed at 9pm last night hard and was out cold till 3am or so. Heath said she and Pumpkin were not fully asleep till 10 but also did some serious sleeping till 3. After 3 things did not go as well for anyone. There were times I think we all dozed off but I am guessing it was no more then 20 minutes at time. Last night I could not figure out what was keeping me awake, I was tired and Pumpkin was in her bed but I could not fall asleep.
This morning I came up with a three part theory.
1. I already had 6 hours of solid sleep and my body did not remember sleeping so long at one time and was confused.
2. I like a dark room for sleeping. Not just turn off the lights dark, I mean seal off the room and make a cave dark. Since Pumpkin has been sharing our room I put a dimmer on Heath’s nightstand light and it is never really all the way out just dimmed.
3. The Badger =
I realize this takes some explaining. A few weeks ago I had woken up and was going back to sleep. I knew heath was in the same position and I heard a noise.
the – “did you hear that”
Heath – “yeah”
the – “I think I hear a wild animal in our room”
Heath – ha ha “what…”
the – “I’m pretty sure it is a badger”
Pumpkin makes some pretty strange grunting noises when we are trying to sleep and ever since we have talk about the badger being back when she is making scary noises. One of these mornings when I can’t sleep I’ll record it for you but for now you will have to make do with a bath video. She does make a similar grunt during this but it sounds more like a “I’m cold” grunt then a “I’m a vicious badger” grunt.
So I worked yesterday. I went in at 7 and stayed till almost 5 to get some extra hours. I was tired and it was tough going from days off to a long day. Once home I found Peanut zombyfied in front of the TV on the same couch where Heath was fast asleep and next to them in the chair was Pumpkin also asleep. I could have laid down on the floor by them or on the futon in the other room or even better go lay down in bed all alone. However I knew the neighbors were coming over and just as I fell asleep it would be time to get up and I would be more tired. So I looked for things to do. I put away a bunch of Pumpkin clothes and measured some attic vents I need to repair and made plans for my wood pile and picked up anything around the house that needed it. Heath’s phone rang and everyone got up and talked about their days.
We made plans to run to Ace, Price Chopper and the walk the trail after dinner. Then dinner showed up like magic. The family across the street were planning to join us for dinner but the son and husband got sick so the mom just came in and dropped off 2 bags full of Smokestack. So we broke out the paper plates and the smiley faces and got to work.
Of course mid dinner Pumpkin woke up and needed some attention. I ate fast and Heath fed her then passed her off to me so she could finish eating.
The neighbor came back with baby clothes and to make sure dinner was good and to borrow some overalls for her son. Eventually we finished dinner and decided to blow off our errands and get things ready for the next day. Peanut showered and we got his clothes ready and dinner cleaned up and finished watching weekend football and I made up some dessert. By the end it was almost 8:00 and we were stuffed and worn out. We got Peanut in bed, Pumpkin fed and in bed then followed right behind them.
Tonight we plan to head to Powel Pumpkin Patch
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