Happy Easter

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It was a really good weekend and we did lots of stuff. I used our yellow camera for all the pictures Friday and Saturday and the red one on Sunday and only remembered to bring the red one to work today so I’ll have to tell you about Friday and Saturday tomorrow. Oh and yesterday I don’t think I took any pictures but I’ll tell you about it real quick. Pumpkin and Heath had been kinda sick for the last several days, runny noses, stuffed up, sneezing and coughing. We decided to keep Pumpkin home from the sitter to not infect the other kids and Heath needed to go to work so I stayed home.

It hailed in the morning

Heath got Peanut up for school and he immediately barfed. She got him back in bed with a movie and a couple apple slices. I got up and started taking care of Pumpkin and went in to check on Peanut. I asked him how he was doing and he barfed again all over the top bunk. So he hopped in the tub and watched Bolt Pumpkin and I cleaned and took turns wiping her nose and hiney. Then we all went downstairs and watched Hook and Short Circuit and I made lunch and cleaned and laundry and Peanut played wii. In the evening we took my truck to get new tires and ate dinner and took a walk. Peanut was hungry all day and asking for pancakes but after the barfs we tried crackers then whole grain chips then chereos then fruit snacks then grilled cheese then jello then pancakes and more pancakes and at that point he was still eating and I decided he was fine. He ate ham and beans and potatoes for dinner just fine too.

OK now for Easter Sunday

I got up at 6:20am tossed on some clothes and ran to the grocery store for donuts, egg rolls and flowers. Then I got all dressed up and helped the bunny hide the hard boiled eggs. (plastic were hid the night before) We got breakfast all ready and KK and Chiaki (who had spent the night) got up and Peanut looked for eggs.

He found a dozen hard boiled eggs that we had decorated the night before.


He found a kite IMG_6782

And plastic eggs with jelly beans, legos, coins and even dollar bills in them.


Once all the eggs were found we finished getting the kids ready and everyone ate breakfast then we headed to church. We got to the church by my mom’s house right around 8:30 and easily found seats. Mass went pretty quick and after we headed to my mom’s with a bunch of the family.  IMG_6800

Peanut played legos some more and then the bunny came and he found more eggs.


He was the only one searching so did really well.


After the hunt we grabbed a quick bite to eat then loaded up in the car and headed to Heath’s Uncles house and joined the rest of her family for another lunch.  IMG_6822

We hung out and ate for a while then Peanut had his 3rd egg hunt.  IMG_6811

This time there was a lot of competition and he had to really run and look to find his eggs.  IMG_6826

After the hunt we talked some more and did a little fishing then headed home. KK and Chiaki went home and the rest of us laid down in the basement and watched Matilda and took naps.

Pumpkin did good Sunday even though she was sick. She spent the day getting passed around


and around


and around


and around


So was ready to relax when we got home.



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