It was kinda rainy yesterday and when I left work a bit late it did not feel too hot. So once home I got the girls and we changed and headed out for a run. First we drove over to the Trolley Trail then we headed east.
We jogged along for a while then we left the green zone and entered the yellow zone.
The differences in zones is not exactly clear but it seems like people are scarce in the yellow zone and you leave the Waldo neighborhoods and enter thicker woods and industrial properties. I’m pretty sure every time we have gone east we come across 4 wheelers or dirt bikes on the trail and yesterday was no different.
We ran a ways but thoughts of dinner turned us around and we jogged back to the car.
We drove down the street a ways and stopped at the Corner for burger night.
It’s not exactly a baby friendly bar but we wanted to give it a shot as the draws are $1.50 and the bacon cheese burger baskets are $4.50 on Wednesdays. We sat at a small table in the corner. Heath and I got some high lifes and Pumpkin started chowing down on cherios and sitting in my lap. We ordered burgers and then were surprised when our neighbors walked in. We moved to a bigger table so we could sit with Stephen and Becky. We all sat around and talked and ate our really tasty though only 6 ounce burgers.
Pumpkin did a great job eating her peas and cheese and sitting in our laps. Some lady came over to say she just realized we had a baby with us and saw how good she was doing. After dinner we paid or bills and went home. Heath fed the baby and I took a few things up into the attic and brought a few things down. Then we put the baby to bed and played on the computer planning our Labor Day Weekend adventure for a while. Then we went to bed.