I got home from work first and Pumpkin was still snoozing. Nanny said they had a good day and spent lots of time out on walks or playing with Berry on the deck.
I got busy getting things ready for a BBQ on the deck and Heath got home shortly after me. She got changed, grabbed he dog and they went for a jog. I had 3 big deer steaks marinating in soy sauce and cherry coke and 5 potatoes ready to be ‘baked’ in the microwave and a bag of frozen asperagus ready to grill. I also cut up some brockoli and made a pan of brownies. While making the brownies Pumpkin got up and started snacking and Stooks, Amanda and Alli came over.
Stooks had a 4 pack of a Boulevard Smokestack series that was 10.5% alcohol and really tasty.
I tossed the brownies in the toaster oven and we played on the deck for a while. The girls snacked on a bowl of cheereos and dehydrated apples.
Heath came home and we fired up the grill.
The steaks were big and cooked kinda slow.
But it was nice and we just played and enjoyed the weather.
Eventually everything was ready and we ate dinner, the end it was dark outside and we quickly moved inside.
We ate our brownies and watched some tv and let the girls play till they were exhausted. Then we put them in bed and watched some more tv and hung out. Then Matt went home and everyone went to bed.
Peanut comes home tonight and I think we will have a fun weekend. I would like to get some projects worked on but not sure I will this weekend so it may just be lots of good food and fun.
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