Alright it’s already Thursday. After work I got home and met up with the girls.Pumpkin was eating her first dinner. Heath and I started getting things ready for a real meal and then took a break and looked at kitchen remodel ideas and came up with a list of things we want the new setup to have. Then we headed up to Home Depot and met with our designer. His appointment before us was going long so we poked around the store for a while.
Then we met and looked over his plans. He had a cool kitchen layout with the fridge between the sink and the sliding glass door and the oven in an island between them making a nice tight triangle of cooking. His design had less cabinet space then we have now and a weird tv area that kind of needed the old wall back in. So we showed him our list of what we need and want from the new room and showed him our favorite 3 plans we had drawn. We talked about what we liked and disliked about our drawings and he got really excited and seemed to get some ideas from them.
Pumpkin was good for the most part but we ran low on snacks and then she got more adventurous and would make a break for it and I’d need to chase her down an isle. So we talked about meeting in a week or so and headed home.
Once home we turned on the pan of meat and veggies and got it all cooked up. Heath made a big pile with hers and I wrapped up 2 small piles with tortillas.
There was chicken and beef, refried beans, rice, sweet potatoes, spinach, cellery, zuchini, onions, tomatoe and avocado.
We finished up dinner and I got Pumpkin read to and in bed. Stooks came by and we had a few beers, watched some tv and talked. Heath is giving some presentation today so she practiced her speech on us a few times. Then Matt went home and we went to bed.
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