Hi to everyone. I got a text from Chris saying that he doesn’t have internet at his office, and the building next to them has their internet down too, so I’m doing a post today.
and I’ll talk about Pumpkin and I’s trip to Florida.

Extended Family
So as you know my Mamaw passed away a few weeks ago. She was 93, had a great long life, and went very peacefully. I’m extremely thankful that I was able to see her just a few weeks prior to her passing when I was in Florida earlier last month, and I’m glad that my kids got to meet her when we went to Florida last October for Kelly’s Wedding

4 Clevenger Generations
So the visitation was ok, lots of people came and I think that helped to comfort my Dad and Aunt Connie. Pumpkin took run over the funeral home, exploring the hall that led to the restrooms, the parking lot, and the rug that was when you first walked in. The atmosphere was pretty laid back, and we just went with the flow.

The Rug


the parking lot
The funeral was the next day, and that went as expected. It rained all day, as was rather fitting. Lots of extended family came, most of whom I had never met. It was nice to visit with extended family and eat some good home cooking!

Homemade, Homegrown Fried Okra


Pumpkin loved the spagetti
Pumpkin and I spent some time with my other Grandma (My mom’s mom who is also in Fl), and my youngest sister had come to visit her, so we spent time with Jendra as well. We saw the wildlife

Little Alligator Turtle

Big Alligator

Big turtle
and went to the beach

National SeaShore

National SeaShore

National SeaShore
and played in the sand

Cocoa Beach

Cocoa Beach
And of course played in the ocean (Pumpkin loved to ride the boogie board!)

Cocoa Beach

Cocoa Beach

Cocoa Beach

Cocoa Beach
Pumpkin got a new dress and we went to dinner, and visited with Grandma Jenni and Jendra a few days.

Out to Dinner

At the pool

At the pool
Before we left, we got to hear my dad’s band play, and then the morning we were leaving Jendra and I got up extra early and watched the sun rise on the beach…where we walked along it, and saw lots of neat things:

The GRITZ Band

Dad, Aunt Connie, Pumpkin and I

Sunrise on the beach

Sea Turtle tracks onto the beach to lay eggs

Huge Jelly fish

Baby Blacktip Shark

Sunrise on the Beach