Video from the weekends game
Heath and I had back to school night for Peanut last night so I had to hurry to get dinner ready. I had a lbs of turkey burger browned already so I got some noodles boiling and some green beans boiling and added sauce to the meat. It was ready in no time and I baked a bit of squash to add to it. Pumpkin and I sat at the table and had some fruit as a snack while waiting for everyone else to get home. Pumpkin insisted Peanut join our goofy hat game when he got home.
Then Felicia got home and we all sat down and ate the quick little meal. We were in a hurry so right after dinner we moved onto dessert.
Then Heath and I helped to get the kids in the bath and left them with Felicia to clean, get in pajamas, read to and put in bed.
Heath and I went to Peanut’s school. We caught the end of the talk saying join PTA etc. Then we went to Peanut’s class and his teacher gave us a brief rundown on her plan for the year and what we and Peanut needed to do. Then we headed out. We stopped by Price Chopper on the way home. Once home Heath went strait to bed and I watched a bit of TV and had a bowl of cereal with Felicia then also went to bed.