Heath, Pumpkin and Peanut were home taking care of business when I got there. I got after the fire and laundry and then we ate dinner. Peanut ate really slow, while he was still eating Pumpkin got to play, I did all the dishes and Heath sewed the new badge on his uniform. Then we loaded in the van and all went to the Merium fire station.
The fireman told us some stuff then had us watch a Lion King video on Fire Safety. Then we got a tour of the kitchen, bedroom area and garage. The garage had the trucks and was the best part. The tour was pretty short and everyone was kind of in a hurry to get things done and watch football.
We all headed home. Heath got Pumpkin in bed, Peanut got in the shower and I got after the laundry and fire. Then we met in the family room and watched the Chiefs game.
Then Peanut went to bed and Felicia came home and I moved laundry and added wood and then Heath and I went to watch in bed but the chiefs were sucking and we went to sleep.