I got out of work late but was the first one home so got busy cooking tacos.
Heath and Pumpkin got the table set and it did not take long to get dinner ready.
Then we all dug right in.
After dinner Pumpkin took a quick sink bubble bath and then got on pajamas and Jon. Amanda and Alli came over. They left Alli to play and Heath and Peanut went to science night at his school so it was me and the 2 year olds. They had a snack and played with a recorder.
Made animal sounds on the iPad.
Colored some pictures
And then ran around the couches and played while listening to music. This was the most fun and the girls did a lot of laughing. Then we got Pumpkin’s pull up on and Alli’s pajamas. We read some books and got Pumpkin tucked in. Pumpkin did a great job until she realized she and Alli would not both be in her tent. Then she got really angry.
I got Alli tucked in and Felicia came home and we talked about the weekend a bit. Then I realized Alli had no diaper on so we put on new pajamas and a diaper and got her all tucked in again. Then I did some packing and cleaning for the weekend. Heath and Peanut came home and got ready for bed.
This morning I got up early and did more cleaning up then Pumpkin got up early and helped me put together an awesome roast and get everything ready for the day.