Picnic Hike


Peanut had no school yesterday and Heath had no work so they headed to the Titanic Exhibition at Union Station.


They also did some science city thing and it looks like there was an alligator IMG_4712

flight simulator




panda bear


and some stuff from an old boat.


Peanut has been all about the titanic for a while so this was a great trip for him. Once I got home we quickly packed up and headed to “the forest”. IMG_4729

We hiked the blue river trail some and checked in at the river a bunch to see how deep the water was. We also threw/skipped lots of rocks.


Peanut caught some frogs, Heath and I drank a mini wine bottle and Bean ate and slept.



We hiked around quite a bit and talked about all sorts of things.  IMG_4740


Eventually all the conversation was about dinner and food so we started back to the van. then Pumpkin mentioned needing to go to the bathroom so we really rushed back to the van. We drove a little ways to Minor park then parked so Pumpkin could use the port a poty, Peanut could run to the playground and we could eat dinner at a picnic table.

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We made sandwiches and had some chips and cookies and fruit. The kids had to finish sandwiches before playing more.


Bean ate right after we did then came to the playground to watch us play.



Eventually we headed home and the kids had quick showers then I got Pumpkin ready for bed. Once she was down I helped Peanut with getting a lunch packed for today and then headed to Men’s Warehouse to get fitted for Tony & Felicia’s wedding.

Once home I did some reading and watching tv and going to bed early with Heath and Bean.

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