A Humid Wednesday Hike


We have been eating and acting pretty healthy this week so once home we made some pasta stuff loaded with vegetables and wheat noodles. We ate on the deck and everyone did a great job. After dinner we changed and packed up a bit then headed to Swope Park for the  IMG_5231

We didn’t go into the nature center but instead hiked the 2 mile trail.  IMG_5218

Luckily it was not too muddy, Pumpkin rode and talked/sang the whole way.



Lilly mostly snoozed but looked around some.



Peanut attacked plants, climbed, and looked for treasures.  IMG_5208



After the 2 miles we let Pumpkin run around some and the kids explore.  IMG_5230


Peanut had to use a tree and Pumpkin made sure he was doing it right.


Then we headed home and got the kids cleaned and ready for bed. We ate strawberries for dessert before they went to sleep.

Little by little we have been moving forward on the remodel. IMG_5203

Finally the back wall is done and all the outlets, switches, lights, and internet connections are working. The big change is lights on the deck. One by the grill


and one by the table, on separate switches.  IMG_5236

The next step is to take down all the wood paneling in the hallway and replace it with drywall. Then we can get someone to come mud all the drywall.



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