So Yesterday I took the van in to get the oil change and I was smelling a kinda funky smell that I wanted them to check out. Usually when I have funky smells regarding the van, it is because someone left a 1/2 drank cup of milk in there that had become spoiled and stinky, but alas, that was
not the case. When I got out of the van, the guy was like “Why do I smell Coolant!” Anyway, he took the van, checked it out, and called me later with some issues we need to get fixed.
When he is done, I’m sure it will be as good as new.

After work I swung by and picked up Peanut and we headed home. Chris was already home and just about had dinner on the table when we got there so we finished getting ready, and then sat down to eat.
We were just about done eating (delicious panko covered home made baked chicken nuggets, as seen above) when “BABY DRAKE” (as Pumpkin says) and his mom came by to drop some items off we will need for our upcoming TX trip.
After Drake showed us how good he can walk, we decided to take some picks of the kids together, and out of about 60 pics, I think two turned out pretty good, several were ok, and even more were bad, but pretty funny:
After Drake left, Pumpkin and I headed to swimming lessons while Chris, Peanut and Bean went to Aldi to get a few supplies.
Pumpkin is not afraid of the water at all, and I know the girls are trying to teach her, but I think she thinks it is just play time 🙂
Tonight is Pumpkin’s last swim lesson, and I think they are going to have them jump off the diving board, so that will be pretty exciting! I’m sure we will get lots of pictures to show…. 🙂