Lots of Ladies


Last night Jon was not around so Heath invited Amanda and the girls to come over and play and eat. I grilled some chicken and hot dogs and squash. We made a big salad and rice and decided to eat on the deck. Before our friends showed up we practiced walking a bit.

Dinner was good and Alli’s birthday was Sunday so they brought cake and ice-cream we got to eat after dinner. Then I headed downstairs to paint crown molding.


I think I put down my last coat on it and once dry we can start putting it up.

While I was painting the girls were having a lot of fun.



I’m not really sure what all they were up to but everyone was pretty happy when I got done. Our friends went home and we worked on getting our girls in bed. We just relaxed until bedtime after that.

Superbowl Sunday

Looking for a kid friendly gathering?

Come on over. We will have the game and commercials on, we will have food and drinks and kids. You should let us know you are coming and what you are going to share with the group. I don’t have a food or drink plan in place but I’m 51% positive it will be something tasty.


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