

Heather’s Grandma Jenni was over Friday and most of Saturday. I think the girls had fun playing with her and doing grandma stuff like putting on real lipstick.



and drinking tea



Just before Grandma left we had a big impromptu lunch with a bunch of people. Heath and I made a random soup that turned out great, a giant salad and grilled some burgers.



I had hoped to be productive and I got a little done but but between lunch, kids, grandma, soccer and B-day our Saturday was full. After naptime Heath and Bean went to watch Peanut’s game.


They lost this week. Pumpkin and I went to a friends birthday party from school. It was a skating party.


We were the first ones there for the party and Pumpkin was really unsure about skating. Eventually I was able to talk her into putting on her skates and I rented a pair too.

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Still no friends showed up but I talked Pumpkin out on the floor.


We went around the place once and came back to the birthday table to take a break and the other guests and birthday girl showed up.

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Once her friends were out there I talked her into another loop around the place but she was ready to eat. We went back to the table and she had a hot dog and chips and punch then cake and icecream and watched her friend open presents.


Then the party ended and we headed home.

Sunday I got  up early and started working on home re-mod stuff. My main priority was getting the crown molding out of the shop so I can use the shop for other projects. I needed Heath’s help for doing the crown and the compressor is loud so we can’t work when either girl is sleeping.

Friday morning and evening I finished my 2nd light box.


and got it installed.


and Saturday morning I got it wired in.


All this light in the kitchen has been so nice. I don’t know how we managed without it.


Saturday night Heath and I did some planning for the 3rd box that will go on the backside of the island and have 5 lights. We plan to use these jars set up like this.


The blue jars are old ones my cousin got from a barn at our Grandmas and I think we may try to use some cool light bulbs in them. The clear jars I think we will hang from the box like this


So I need room in the shop to build the 3rd light box so I moved the crown molding into the garage and got set up for installation.


Once we had everyone awake and both Heath and I available to work we got started putting it up.


Shortly after starting our neighbor called, a big chunk of tree had blown down and landed partially on her roof.


We got the chainsaw and truck and headed over to help cut it up and get it off the roof. It was way more fun than crown molding. The kids got the play and the adults got a workout. Also we got a truck-bed of firewood. Then we headed home and got back to work. Heath and I worked on the crown and Pumpkin watched Ipad on the couch, but didn’t last long.


I didn’t take many pictures and we mostly put up the same 3 boards and then took them down and put them up again until we got it just right. The most exciting part so far is over the tv.


Everything is pretty loose at the moment but Heath had a great idea to tape all our speaker wires into the corner before we started.


Before they just ran up the wall and hung there.


but now they are inside the trim and much more hidden. We will even hide them going up behind trim in the corner.We also got the corner going down the hall done.


We had eaten leftover soup for dinner and were getting pretty hungry so cleaned up and cooked dinner. We had a nice feast of grilled chicken legs and thighs, some white beans, baked potatoes and brussel sprouts plus chocolate pudding for dessert.

We vegged out on the couch for a bit to digest then everyone went to bed.


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