I worked a bit late and Heath had class so we rushed to get dinner going. I turned on the grill and threw down some turkey hot dogs and eggplant. We also made some quick noodles w/ corn and beans and green beans. While cooking dinner Lily played the drums for us.
Then we sat down to eat.
After dinner we pulled some leftover cake from Izzy’s birthday out of the freezer and ate a chunk of it. Then the kids and I hopped in the van w/ some empty bags and a quarter and Heath went off to take her final for non-profit accounting.
The kids and I got a cart load of goodness. They did a good job in the store and I let them eat fruit snacks on the way home. Once home we worked on pajamas and cleanup.
I read to Lily and laid her down then Grant read to Izzy and I laid her down then Grant read and did homework and I put a little whiskey in a glass and then filled it up w/ eggnog.
I sat down and wrote 17 Christmas cards because Heath had 17 stamps. She hit up Price Chopper on the way home from school and got a few things I could not. We loaded up the stove and headed to bed early so I could be at work at 5:45 this morning for a fundraiser.