Happy Valentines Day


This morning I skipped my workout to make a special breakfast for my girls. The main item was pancakes.


I boosted them w/ red sugar, cranberries, oats, chia, white, pink and red chocolate chips. I made breakfast burritos and coffee for Heath and I. Then I woke up Heath to have her help me wake the girls. We pushed in the trays on a plastic tub IMG_8905

Usually both girls like to lay around and slowly wake up as we get them dressed but this morning Bean jumped right up and was ready to go.


Pumpkin was still moving a little slow but pretty excited.


We all sat around the tub and dug in.


By the end of breakfast everyone was excited to start the day, get dressed in pink and red with hearts and get to school.


Last night Heath ran home first to build up the stove and start some squash cooking in the toaster oven. I picked her up and then we got the girls and went to Aldi. We got a big load of groceries. Produce and bread was marked down really cheep and we had some fun plans for tonight so we really filled the cart. We let the girls snack on cheese it’s while we shopped so they were happy.

Then we went to the playroom for some fun.


Pumpkin and I started with some art projects while Heath and Bean got out toys and play food.


We made some sweet valentines cards but I think we left them there. Then we built a long giant dominoes.


As our trail got longer we had harder and harder times keeping the little destruction monster away.


and of course they went down before I got the camera ready.


The girls played a bit more and then we cleaned up and headed home.



We rushed home and loaded the groceries in the house and got dinner ready. We had spegetti squash w/ a lot of leftovers and veggies in it. Everyone ate really good because after dinner we got to have cookies that the Sanders brought over.


We cleaned the girls and got them ready for bed. Then I did a workout video while watching Olympics with Heath. Then we worked on Izzy’s valentines day present.


It’s one of those blankets with the tied ends and has a picture of her on it. Once it was done we watched more Olympics while working on the computer a bit. Then bed.

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