Swiming Lessons Begin


Heath had a crockpot of beans all cooked when I got home from work, picking up Olive and getting a load of groceries. We brought in the grocheries and then made up plates of burritos, corn, rice and veggies and hearded the 3 girls outside. We ate on the deck to minimize messiness. I worked for a minute on the mower then we got swimsuits on everyone at headed to the pool.

The girls were in different classes based on age and skill. Bean went into a class with neighbor AJ and some other kids her size C360_2014-06-02-18-52-11-749

They did some blowing bubbles and kicking legs and a lot of trying to keep the kids from running away.


Heath was mostly watching Olive and I was mostly watching Bean but occasionally we checked on our other fish.


From what I caught Pumpkin was fearless and doing great. We will be going to lessons for the next 2 weeks and I expect to see Pumpkin doing some actual swimming.

After lessons we let the kids all play at the spraypark area and whale slide. Then the girls jumped into me in the deep end for a bit.

Once home Jon came to get Olive and we all had a Popsicle. Then Heath got the kids ready for bed and I got working on the mower. Heath had gotten me some new parts and I pulled off all the old parts.


I got the new parts on then fired it up. It ran and cut so much better and the self propel stuff actually worked. I tested it and mowed the yard across the street and our front yard.

Once it got too dark to mow I fixed a table in the basement, showered and headed to bed.

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