So Chris has been super busy this last week, and so the girls and I have been having our own adventures while he is getting some work things taken care of.
Because of Blue October, the fountains at my work (Sprint Campus) are blue!
Tuesday the girls and I went to Parents As Teachers Success by 6 Toy Room
Wednesday I had a fantastic lunch with some co-workers at Drunken Fish

Go Royals!
Thursday we prepared to cheer on our Boys in Blue (Pumpkin wears uniforms to school, but she purposely wore blue and white…Royals colors!) After work/ school we were getting Bean’s carseat to the neighbors, as she didn’t have school on Friday and she was going to spend the day with them…and it turned into an impromptu Royals watch party & dinner party
We also did a little sampling of the Irish Red Ale that we had kegged last week to make sure the carbonation had taken, and it was ready for our camping party for the upcoming weekend. It was delicious! 🙂
Our Garden is still kicking @$$… but it is thirsty because we haven’t had rain in a while…but on the other hand that is good, because our grass hasn’t needed to be mowed recently.
Friday Peanut came back home and we made milkshakes after Pumpkin had her last Spanish class for the year
These milkshakes helped to fuel the Fun Run we did early the next morning to help support The Center Foundation

Bean is not sure being up that early on a Saturday was a good idea
but we all made it, and had a really good time

Pumpkin’s P.E. Teacher, Mr. Nore (He won the 5k)

And we ran into some other friends too!
More to come about the rest of our weekend activities on the next post