Pumpkin Hunters


Heath and I got out of work asap, grabbed the girls, changed their clothes, grabbed some picnic supplies and headed back out. We picked up Peanut on the way, then I made sandwiches and distributed apple slices and chips while Heath drove us out to the pumpkin patch.

Just after everyone was full we arrived and headed out into the field.


The kids took off looking for pumpkins right away.


But we shut that down right away and got them posing for pictures instead of enjoying themselves.


We did take a few pictures breaks to find pumpkins for better pictures.


Also they were allowed to touch pumpkins in pictures.


Just teasing we did run around and gathered way too many pumpkins and just took a few breaks to take pictures and many of them turned out good.


Heath’s mom and brother came out too.


We ended up putting a bunch of pumpkins back and then picking out our top 3. Then the kids were ready to play in the hay.



The place closed down and it started to get dark so we headed home. On the way we stopped at Costco for a few things and decided we needed another dinner.


and dessert


Once home we rushed the kids to bed and took care of a few things around the house then headed to bed. Heath and I watched some more Orange is the New Black before sleeping.

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