Important Details
Date: Feb 6th 2016
Distance: 3-5 miles (with stops)
Who: Everyone
What: We have a lot of fun on the Jolly Jog to all the bars and starting from that idea I’d like to try an additional run but stay mostly in the woods. We could start and end at a bar and plant drinks at several spots in the woods along the way.
Still thinking about…
How many stops in middle? would be pretty easy to do every mile but that may be too manyWhat bars to use? I’ve not been to either I tentatively looked at but would before the run
Loop? There are a couple 3 or so mile loops or a 7 mile loop that is mostly out and back
Considering alternate dates 1/30 or 2/7
Other places?
What would you be interested in? give me some direction on what you would be up for
IDEA 3 (where this map ends we would cross the road and take the trail by the river back),-94.5755133/Daily+Limit,+Red+Bridge+Shopping+Center,+523+E+Red+Bridge+Rd,+Kansas+City,+MO+64131/@38.9094273,-94.5812148,15.25z/data=!4m14!4m13!1m5!3m4!1m2!1d-94.5721326!2d38.919654!3s0x87c0e872b17022d7:0x141697bcd5fb2c69!1m5!1m1!1s0x87c059e846e42dbb:0x87760d3e3bd06a09!2m2!1d-94.5855373!2d38.9247976!3e2
The bars open around 11 so I was thinking we would start around then and do our run and then eat lunch. Both these places have pretty good food and drink specials on Saturday or Sunday.
*I’m really hoping for snow and terrible weather, the worse the better.
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