6th Annual Triathlon

FrontRetrieve 6thtri Now
more info on today’s post here http://www.theprewitt.com/node/1063

See pictures above they should arive on Wednesday December 1st and cost $15 each.


Everyone to reserve Dec. 4th and start saving up bar money. The basic route I am planning is Charlie Hoopers  to our house, mostly along Wornal Rd.  I’ve stopped worrying about making sure we go 6 miles and hit 6 bars, so this year we are under 5 miles and we always go to a bunch of bars. Otherwise it should be the same as last year http://www.theprewitt.com/node/730 (lots of info here)


1. ThePrewitt
2. Heath
3. KK
4. Becky
5. Stephen
6. Bobbi
7. Derrick
8. Chiaki
9. Tony
10. Felicia
11. Matt
12. Twist
13. Twist’s +1
14. Amanda F
15. Jon
16. Colleen
17. Ian
18. Mike
19. Julie
20. Shaun
21. Shaun’s +1



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