I stayed at work a little long after a crazy day then took a coworker to get her car and take it to a shop. Then we picked up Pumpkin at daycare and my coworker checked in on her granddaughter there. Then I took her home and Pumpkin and I went home. Heath and Peanut were already home and Peanut was finishing up his homework.
He was really eager to play the iPad so we thought of all sorts of chores to make him do first. He set the table and brought in the recycle bin and picked up stuff. I was not really hungry but got started on fajita dinner.
We made rice and it took the longest but I also got chicken, beans, corn and veggies ready. Then we all sat down to eat.
Everyone ate a good dinner. After we ate I put Pumpkin in the tub.
Pumpkin played with some bubble bath in her paint containers and I hung out and let her play a bunch.
After bath we put on pajamas and then Heath read to her and put her to bed. She did not fuss or anything. Peanut had to read a few things to Heath and then was allowed to play some more.
Our fish tank filter stopped working after I cleaned out the tank this weekend and our new one showed up so I unpacked it and put it together then got it in the tank and did some more cleanup. Then I did some measuring and headed downstairs to recycle old wall boards for use in a little bar on the back of our kitchen island. Nothing fancy at this point, just something people can sit at while I toss them pancakes fresh off the pan. That was about the end of my night, measuring, cutting, fitting, sanding, screwing and coating with polyurethane. I should have the top piece ready now and just need to build some legs soon.