All of us are fighting a cold or flu or something. I’m guessing it’s the same virus that gave Pumpkin croup. Peanut came home from school early yesterday and spent most of the afternoon in bed. I was ready to go to bed at about 6 but I think I made it until about 8:30 or so. Pumpkin and I got a chunk of pork for some of the Triathlon Chili on our way home and I got it cooking in the crock pot. Heath wanted calzones for dinner but I didn’t have the motivation. Luckily Heath did.
She found a recipe and made dough. I browned some turkey burger and cut up ham, onions, green peppers, pineapple, olives and sweet peppers. Heath made 3 calzones and 1 thin pizza(not pictured) and topped them with the stuff.
Then rolled the cazones up and sealed the sides
and tossed them in the oven.
The pizza was next
While we were cooking Peanut watched cartoons and Pumpkin helped him out
or came and watched us and ate most of our pineapple before it made it to the calzones.
Once everything was cooked and some squash and veggies for sides we sat down and ate and watched Gnomeo and Juliet.
Mid movie we got a delivery.
Wow our carpet is terrible, can’t wait to pull it up and have hardwoods. Anyway our sweet shirts are here and the run is just a few days away. It’s going to be great.
After dinner Pumpkin got a sink bath
Yes, I was starting to assemble chili supplies.
After her bath Heath got her read to and in bed. Peanut and I finished the movie and then Heath came out and read another chapter plus in Harry Potter. Then Peanut went to bed a bit early. Heath and I watched a few minutes of TV and finished the last load of laundry and then we went to bed early and we slept in this morning.