I worked late again but the new website is up and things should be getting back to normal soon. I picked up Pumpkin and Heath got some noodles boiling. Once home I cut up some broccoli and got some pears ready and warmed up the last of the curry leftovers. Peanut was working on homework and Pumpkin was being a grouch.
Once dinner was ready we got Pumpkin eating. Peanut was moving in slow motion so the rest of us got started on dinner while he was still finishing up homework.
Dinner was good and we cleared up some space in the fridge. Then I took grumpy Pumpkin and put her in the tub. She cheered right up and had a good time playing while I killed bear, moose, and reindeer on the iPad. Meanwhile Peanut and Heath started making hand print ornaments.
I got Pumpkin clean and pajamaed and then she was hungry again so we came out and ate some more dinner before heading to bed to read stories.
Pumpkin has been really into a Santa Clause story on the iPad and we have been talking about him coming. After books I told her a story about Santa and Frosty and then put her to bed. I ran to Home Depot while Peanut showered and then I got home when they started reading Harry Potter. We read for a while and then Peanut headed to bed.
Shortly later Pumpkin started screaming her face off so Heath and I went back to her room. She had stuck her finger through a hole in some fabric and then twisted and twisted it tighter and tighter. We quickly cut her loose and restored circulation. She was pretty upset and we both took turns calming her down and getting her ready to go to sleep.
By the time she was ready for bed so were we.
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