Bath Fun

We rushed to get our stuff together after work and then headed to the park. It seemed like a really nice day out and the kids were excited. When we got there I discovered there was a cold wind blowing that made it not so nice. Once there Pumpkin would not play and just wanted to be held, I tried reasoning with her that if she was not going to play we were going home an she didn’t seem to care. Peanut stubbed his toe a few minutes later and had a fit of his own so we called off the park and headed home. I got busy cooking and the kids got busy working at the island.

Pumpkin had just gone potty and not put back on pants.

Our neighbor came over to visit a bit and the kids all played and got in good moods. Then we sat down to eat.

We had noodles, chicken, black beans, green beans and pineapple and we ate pretty good. Once I finished mine I started reading Harry Potter aloud. Heath started Pumpkin in a bath.

Then Peanut got a shower and I got Pumpkin in bed. Then Heath read Harry Potter until her voice started to give out. I read the rest and we finished the book. It was a pretty intense ending.

After that Peanut went to bed and Heath and I messed around and read and stuff and then got to bed early. This morning I spit wood and made blueberry pancakes.

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