It was time for the tradition of our visit to Santa at Crown Center we have done this a few times now.
But never with 3 kids until now.
We follow a pretty strict plan. We rush home from work and school, grab a bite and some nice clothes and rush to Crown Center. We park in the same lot on the blue floor and walk past the skate ring and the Mayors tree.
We have no time to play, yet.
We immediately get in line to see Santa while our clothes are still nice and it’s not too crowded. This year while in line the kids drew with some chalk.
We patiently waited.
Then checked the old guy out.
Smiled for some pictures.
Pumpkin immediately said “I want pink stuff” and hopped off. Santa asked her what she said and she repeated herself and was done sitting and ready to watch the other kids.Peanut asked for legos
Bean just wanted his hat.
And a nice tug on his beard.
The important stuff was over so it was time to play.
Then we headed to Fritz for “dinner”.
Peanut called in our order
9 chicken nuggets, 1 hamburger, 1 strawberry sundae and 1 Oreo sundae. Pumpkin made sure he got it right.
Everyone watched the trains and played conductor guessing where they would drop the food while we waited.
Then part of our dinner showed up.
The deal was that everyone had to eat a big bite of burger before they got ice cream but the ice cream came first so we started with promises of burger eating.
It didn’t take long for our train to come and drop off the nuggets and burger.
Everyone did great and ate all their burger bites and nuggets and of course we ate all the sundaes.
After dinner we just played around the mall hitting some shops and spending a long time at the gingerbread village.
It got to be Bean’s bedtime so we headed toward the door.
It was cold outside but the kids did not care when we got to all the toys.
Eventually we were able to drag them to the car and head home. Bean was beat.
Everyone else got ready for bed and went. Heath and I shared a beer and some real food and went to bed.
Note: We did feed the kids ice cream for dinner but we did make them eat some sandwiches and fruit in the car on the way there 🙂