Heath stayed home with Pumpkin yesterday and she was feeling better and didn’t have much peanut-butter in her eye if any. After work I picked up Bean and Heath got Peanut from school. We got the kids all dressed nice and and got part of a dinner ready then went to get some pictures taken.
It went okay we got a couple of good shots. We met up with Heath’s Grandma at the photo place then picked up some BBQ on the way home. We were all starving and dug in.
We ate a bunch of bbq. Peanut headed to his dads house and the girls headed to bed. I did a bit of wiring for our second light box and Heath and her Grandma watched TV. I went to bed early.
In the morning I got up early and made some good progress on the second box. It’s all wired up and the jar lids are attached and everything has the second paint of coat. Soon it should be ready to go up over the island.