I woke up this morning and realized I didn’t take any pictures last night for today’s post so I took this on of the deck that is a little related and one other you will see in a bit.
First I want to talk about my Smugmug page where I keep all my pictures. Do you remember a few days ago I was looking for old pictures and had trouble finding many? Well this got me motivated to update. If you have not been recently you should check it out. I have uploaded 19,278 pictures taking up 54.67GB of their storage. Heather has a few albums from Peanut to go through and I need to doublecheck my old archives for anything I missed and then we should have everything backed up online. If you get there and decide “this is really cool, I want a page just like it” then set one up and say you were refered by smugmug@theprewitt.com and I get $10 and you get $5 off.On the other hand if you see a picture of you and you don’t want it available for all the world to see let me know and I can take it down in a jiffy.
So back to last night, I was carpooling home with Stephen and we decided the weather was way too awesome. I thought, this will make for a great run tonight and Stephen thought we should get some beers and hang out on the deck. Stephen’s idea was better so we got a couple Bush Lights, rounded up the dogs and played on the deck.
Heath got home after 1/2 a beer and joined us. We listened to some Classic Rock and soaked up the weather till it was close to dark. Then Stephen came to check out the basement progress before heading home. Heath and I decided it had been a productive week and to take the night off for a date night.
When romance comes to mind we think Walmart so went there for a few small random things and to look for rope lights for the basement project.
We were unable to find the light but went next door to Lowes and found some there. We didn’t buy anything though as I am still price shopping. We also checked out prices and styles on trim and molding and looked for lights for the bar and some other wood I’ll need.
Then we headed to Target to look at lights there and decided to pick up a pizza from the deli. We got a massive sausage pizza and pile of salmon cream cheese sushi for under $15. Then headed home for dinner and a movie. We tossed the pizza in after adding pepperoni onions, greeen peppers, pineapple and more cheese.
Then we broke out the movie we had on loan from my sister.
I know what you are thinking, “Why would ‘the’ agree to watch this movie?” Well in college we had HBO for a while and Jon and I loved to drink a few beers and watch it. It was pretty funny.
It’s possible my sense of humor has changed or more likely the movie was not quite like the show but I was not a fan. The pizza and sushi was great but the movie was cheesy, long and not for 28 year old men. Heath on the other hand was a little giggle-puss who did not really watch the show but thought the movie was great.
The movie was kinda long and we did not get to bed till late or do anything afterwords.
Peanut comes home tonight and tomorrow we plan to spend the beautiful day at the Topeka Zoo and stay in this Holiday Inn.
We are pretty excited for all the fun we Peanut will have. In case you can’t tell that is a 3 story indoor water slide.