Getting Started in Seattle

You should start every vacation with …

…a wholesome lunch of giant burger

We rode the planes all morning other then an hour in Denver and a while at MCI before we left.


Pops picked us up at 10:30 and we got our bags and headed to Lacey. We stopped a little before Pop’s house for lunch. I got the burger in the top picture it had pineapple, 2 cheese, jalapenos, egg, ham, tomato, lettuce, pickles, onions and some special sauce. It was good. After lunch we headed to a nature preserve close by. It had a nice wood boardwalk and a lot of people walking around looking at the stuff. First we saw a raccoon eating a bullfrog, then an owl and then several kinds of ducks and some geese and other birds. For some reason I only took a picture of this crane.


You can see how nice and sunny it was. After the park Heath and Peanut got settled in and took a nap for much of the afternoon. Pops and I hung out during nap time. Then Nick, Carl and Annie came home and ate some roast. After dinner the boys all played outside Pops went to work and Heath and I did some shopping at Cabelas. When we got home the boys were watching a movie then headed to bed. We watched a bit of TV and I had a beer with Pops after work then we all went to sleep.

This morning Heath and I snuck a run in first thing. It is warm enough for shorts and a t-shirt but the ground was wet from a rain last night. We stuck to some short but really nice mulch trails behind my dads place and mostly ran back and forth through the woods so we could smell the woods.

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