Saturday DECEMBER 7th 2013, 2:26pmĀ
Shirts are ordered and received. They look great, we got red santa on a dark green shirt. I’m open to other routes but I plan to meet at our house and then head to Brookside and work our way home. We will pile into the van and probably another vehicle. I’m going to cook big pots of chili and a loaded vegetable stew to eat after.
Most importantly I wanted to get the date out and start getting people lined up. I’ve been going back and forth on t-shirts and the level of organizing for this year. I’m really interested in what everyone else thinks but I am guessing you feel like me.
- I really like getting everyone together (new runners and 9 year veterans)
- I really like jogging a bit from bar to bar.
- I really like taking over a random back porch of a bar with a big group.
- I really like spending an afternoon and early evening drinking.
- I really like making and eating crazy amounts of chili.
- I’m not really excited about putting my site/name on the shirts.
- Since puking is so rare I think we can get rid of that.
- Since we only drink and run it’s not really a triathlon.
- I don’t like buying shirts and then have people not show.
- I don’t like telling people I don’t have a shirt for them.
So my solution is to ditch the Triathlon name and try out the Jolly Jog!
I made some really cheep shirts. They are the color “sand” with “forest” ink on them. The print is 1 sided and a logo for the company that makes them is on the back. I plan to order 20 of them and sell them to you for $10 each. If you want a shirt please tell me and let me know what size.
The plan stays the same with 1 small twist. We meet at our house, I take a big group photo, we pack a van or two full of people and head down to Brookside and work our way the 6 miles home through Waldo. This generally takes 6+ hours so you don’t need to be in shape. We plan to stop at 6 bars but always stop at more. At one point there is more then a mile between bars how you cover that distance is up to you. Once back at my house we find crock-pots full of delicious chili and we eat and eat. Then we karaoke or pass out or find some other debauchery to get into. Ohh and the twist, this year, we can wear Santa Hats.
So reserve that Saturday, get a babysitter and decide if you want a $10 T-shirt. I’d love any suggestions on the route or anything.
T shirt Alternatives
Who is going? So far I have:
Chris P
Heather P
Jon S
Amanda S
Jon D
Briana O
Stephen P
Becky P
James T
Cecelia Q
Derick B
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